Sunday, January 2

Ball Pythons

I think I have a semi interesting post coming up, but I'm about to lie down for a nap before I pass out so it will have to wait. For now, I thought some of you would enjoy seeing some pictures of my ball pythons? I uploaded several pictures of various things from my phone to my laptop, so look forward to numerous picture-laden posts in the near future.

To start, here is my Mario. He is the younger of the two, more shy, and he is about to shed so I didn't take him out for his photo shoot. The pictures are obviously low quality. The lighting is terrible in my basement, and Linux doesn't like to read my camera's memory card so I have to use my phone for now. However, you can get an idea of his pretty pattern:

And his characteristic "curl into a ball when stressed" move:

I was able to get better pictures of Luigi, because he is not in the blue and is more friendly. (-: Here are a couple of my favorites! The first one shows off his neck stripe:

And this one shows his tail stripe! This shot is now the background on my phone.

I'm excited about my boys, even if they did cost me an arm and a leg. (-:


I was thinking, and I really enjoy listening to songs others share with me. I decided to start including some of my personal favorites, or whatever's on my mind, in my posts. If you'd like to, please feel welcome to leave me a link to one of your favorites! I will listen to it and either post my comments or talk to you personally. (-:

Click here to listen.

"I Dreamed a Dream", from Les Miserables. I really enjoy this soundtrack, and this is one of the more popular, and beautiful, songs.

"I dreamed that love would never die,
I dreamed that God would be forgiving..."

"But the tigers come at night,
with their voices soft as thunder.
As they tear your hope apart,
as they turn your dream to shame..."

"I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed."

You don't have to be emo to love this song. Listen to it, adore it. Check out the Susan Boyle version if you'd like some variety; this is the song that propelled Boyle from countryside nobody to international star. And it's no wonder; the raw emotion and vulnerability is breathtaking.

Sleepy time. Fare thee well. Leave me notes about the snakes, about the song, and most especially about songs you'd like me to listen to!


  1. Beautiful snakes, Mol! I'm so jealous... haha. =)

  2. i love those snakes.

    like seriously. they're gorgeous.
