Friday, December 24

Christmas Time is Here

"Happiness and cheer..." I get a kick out of how dreary that song sounds while the lyrics are so chipper.

Right now I'm reducing a glaze for the ham I'm going to bake and I'm about to finish up the jello. I have to wrap a couple of presents to bring tonight as we always go to Grandparents' house for a gift exchange on Christmas Eve. I also need to decide what to wear; I don't think I have anything festive and I'm considering wearing my new mustard yellow sweater. It makes me feel trendy and daring for some reason.

I just wanted to say that I wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and I look forward to all of your blog posts about how your holidays were. (-: Merry Christmas to all and to all a good... day!

Broken Glass, Soloist, Puppies, and Jobs...

Well, I didn't get that job I wanted. And I won't know about any of the others until next week or so. Which means I really can't be moving out next week now can I? I really hope to when i can though. If things look promising I'm going to ask the kind folks to hold the property for me; offer them half rent or something, until I'm all set. I'm applying at a furniture store as a door greeter and I'm going to check out restaurants. Ugh. :( I already checked all the restaurants that are classy and I would get good tips from... now I can try those which will bring in very few tips... then I'll go to no tips. And fast food. Crumbdiddlyumptious. Yes that is a real word and yes I do say it.

Here's a bright spot: Look at how cute my doggies are when they choose to share a space!

He's getting so big. I got him at 6 wks and he was shorter than Samantha. Now he is pushing 4 months, weighs three times as much as he did originally, and Sam could walk right under him if she ducked her head a little. They get along pretty well considering he's a rambunctious lab puppy and she's an old reserved papillon.

I'm watching The Soloist right now. I've seen it once before and I really enjoy it. It's about a man that once played the cello at Juliard but was overcome by paranoid schizophrenia and "bombed out of there". He is now homeless and living on the streets and he played a violin with only two strings until the reporter Steve Lopez discovered him. He writes about Nathaniel the musician in the newspaper and a cello is donated to him. From that point on both men embark on a journey of self-discovery, trying to make sense of the world, triumph and pitfalls. It is truly an excellent story and I highly recommend the movie to anyone. Nathaniel's character is so multi-faceted, unpredictable, and endearing that you will be captivated throughout the entire show.

Last of all, I am making broken glass jello for Christmas!I actually found this recipe many moons ago, and separately found the blog of The Food Librarian and only later realized that she is the one who I got the original recipe from. Does that make sense? Perhaps, perhaps not. Regardless, you need to check out her post and you'll see what I'm up to! For tomorrow I'm making the Christmas version; for New Year's Eve next week I'll make the multi-colored one. I've done this once before and my one problem was that I didn't wait for the white jello to cool enough before pouring it over the colored pieces and it melted them a bit. :( Whoopsie! This time I know better, now don't I? As a side not, do check out Food Librarian's latest post; I really want to make those clear gelatins with fruit in them. Gorgeous!!

I've really enjoyed getting to know people on and would like to give a general shoutout to anyone who has chatted with me, written on my wall, read my blog, or commented on it. I'm so encouraged to blog when I know that someone actually cares a teensy bit! Haha. I just added Google reader and will now be keeping up with all the blogs I'm subscribed to. I may not always comment but I will be reading because I'm interested in all of you!

Thursday, December 23

"And so it goes..."

Every time I post partial song lyrics in my title, the first person to correctly identify the song will get a shout out in the following post. This one should be easy.

Well, life is interesting right now. I have a maybe on an intense housecleaning job that would run $180/wk, and I'm interviewing next week for a nanny job that would bring in $175/wk.I also had a hit from a lady that wants a babysitter which would bring in maybe $75/wk. And every other week I get $30 for housecleaning.

If every single one of those pulled through, I could be rolling with about $1,750/mo. If all of them fall through I get $60/mo. Should all shuffle down during/after the holidays so I have my fingers crossed in the next two weeks. I'm also applying for more jobs tomorrow, and I'm STILL trying to get my subbing to go through. I'm not sure if I'm more afraid that I will overbook myself, or that I'll not be aggressive enough because I don't want to overbook and will end up with nothing.

I found a house I think I want to rent. It's $600/mo and all utilities are included. It is also furnished. It's a 1 bed, 1 [full] bath, shoebox of a house. Actually if I get it I think I will make a shoebox model of it for fun. It has a living area, a somewhat narrow but not too bad kitchen, a pretty small bedroom, a utility room w/ washer and drier and another closet, and then a full bath with shower/tub and lots of nice counterspace. It's furnished with an L-shaped couch which consists of two armchairs that kick back, the corner piece, and a loveseat w/ a pullout bed, a cute little table for two in the kitchen w/ chairs, a two person bar with stools by the front window, a full/double size bed, some dishes/silverware/glasses, and all the major utilities such as washer/drier, fridge, microwave, oven, all that jazz. If I wanted to, I could just put my clothes in a bag and move in.

Of course part of the problem is that I have more than clothes to move in. I have a dresser and I'd love to find room for my desk and I have an electric keyboard.... it's not a huge house. But it's much bigger than a dorm room, and I survived that for three years, so how bad can it be?

... right?

Monday, December 20

Lights, Camera...


I had the privilege of participating in a blogswap this year, through 20 Something Bloggers {}. I am so excited to be swapping blogs with the lovely Amber, who can be found at . Below you will find a great post she wrote, and if you hop on over to her website you will find the post I wrote for her blog! Enjoy hearing from someone else, and when you check out my post be sure to browse around her blog for a bit. (-:


First I want to thank Mollie for letting me crash her blog for 20sb. Our topic was Action. What will you do next year that you have been putting off for too long...

This was a hard one; I had to take a few days to really think about this one. I am the kind of person that lives with no regret, and I always live life to the fullest. Now, given that, I am also the worst procrastinator; I tend to put things off until the last moment. Last year, though, I tried not to put things off as bad as I have in the past and actually managed to get quite a bit of things done that I had wanted to.

I joined a gym, and have been going at least 3 times a week for the past few months (check t hat one off)

I gave up drinking Dr. Pepper a few months ago too, and that was a really hard one. They were making me feel sluggish and bloated, and I knew that they were no good to me, but they were like my own personal form of crack, I was letting them take over my life. Even though the first week was one of the hardest weeks of my life, I managed to walk away cold turkey, and haven't touched one since (it's been a couple of months now) and I think I will make me a badge with "so many days" sober.. It might start a few interesting conversations.

I wrote my first novel... I joined a really fun website called NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) where you write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November, and I actually won!

I got a promotion at work, and managed not to kill anyone for almost an entire year so far! (Ok I wouldn't kill anyone literally, but if you work in an office, you know what I mean)

So, what have I been putting off that I need to get done?

Sending (stated above) novel off to potential agents. I am terrified of rejection, and rejection is just always expected in the world of publishing. I am scared that what I have written will not be good enough, or that I am just a crappy writer...

Once again, thank you Mollie for letting me crash your blog, it has been so much fun, and maybe we can swap again in the future

Until Next Time...Kisses!